Soak a cup of cashews in water for at least one hour. Go do some other stuff now.
Baking the Cake
The whole thing is not going to take much time. So start with preheating the oven at 180° C (350°F). If you have fresh spices put some cinnamon, cardamom and cloves in a mortar and crush them until both the cinnamon and cloves are powdered. Its normal if the cardamom stays in piece. We opened it and made its goodies more accessible. The rest will be handled by the blender. The nutmeg goes through a fine grater.
Put everything except the carrots in the blender and give it a good ol' mix until even. Meanwhile, grate the carrots. If you have a two-sided grater and wonder which to use: I am happy with the small side.Now add the carrots and go a couple of seconds on low speed to fold in the carrots. Try not to juice them.
Transfer the mass to a spring form coated with parchment paper. Bake for 20 minutes. You're done with the cake. While letting it rest and cool down, you can take care of the frosting.
The Frosting
Put the cashews and everything saucy from the ingredients list into the blender. Blend until smooth and fluffy. Magic. You're done!
Give the Cake a good amount of frosting. Decorate to your liking. Enjoy
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